



25-Year Fixed Rate Standard:

25-Year Fixed Rate Refinance:

20-Year Fixed Rate Standard:

20-Year Fixed Rate Refinance:

Estimated 10-Year Fixed Rate Standard:

Estimated 10-Year Fixed Rate Refinance:

Official monthly SBA 504 effective interest rate tables can be found at 鹰 合规管理有限责任公司. 25- and 20-year term loans fund every month; 10-year term loans fund every other month. Effective interest rates are inclusive of servicing fees, which are subject to 申请人的信用风险.

Servicing the States of Alabama, 佛罗里达, and Georgia.

sba504概述 & 资格

商业地产 十大正规赌平台平台. 机械 & 设备十大正规赌平台平台. 绿色十大正规赌平台平台. 债务再融资. Up to 90% fixed interest rate financing.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 十大正规赌平台平台 available through 佛罗里达 First Capital/First Capital Finance provides affordable long-term capital for the purchase of capital assets, such as owner-occupied 商业地产,节能 绿色项目 和/或重型 机械设备, without the high down payment requirements often associated with conventional financing programs. Borrowers can also get relief from high-interest commercial mortgage debt under the SBA’s 504 债务再融资计划.

十大正规赌平台平台结构 & 首付款时间表

The 504 十大正规赌平台平台 is a 伙伴关系 program between 佛罗里达 First Capital/First Capital Finance – a nonprofit SBA licensed and regulated Certified Development Company – and 商业十大正规赌平台平台人. Working with participating lenders, 佛罗里达 First Capital/First Capital Finance provides up to 90% financing at below-market, fixed interest rates and long amortization terms for eligible fixed asset purchases.

通常, 商业十大正规赌平台平台人 provides financing for 50% of the 504 loan project and takes a first lien position; 佛罗里达 First Capital/First Capital Finance/SBA provides 40% of the project financing and takes a second lien position; and the borrower provides a down payment of just 10%. There is no limit on overall project size. If a project is a start-up business (less than two years in operation) or a special purpose facility, the borrower’s down payment increases to 15%.

If a project is a special purpose facility and a start-up business, the borrower’s down payment increases to 20%. 机械 and 设备 only loans may qualify with a 10% or 15% 借款人首付款.


  • The business must fall within the size standards set by the SBA.
  • 业主必须是.S. citizens or registered aliens with green card.
  • The business must be operated for profit and located in or planning to locate in Alabama, 佛罗里达州或佐治亚州.
  • The business must be a legal entity: corporation, 伙伴关系, sole proprietor or limited liability company.
  • The business’s tangible net worth cannot exceed $20 million.
  • The business’s average net income after Federal income taxes (excluding carry-over losses) for the two full fiscal years prior to application cannot exceed $6.500万年.
  • 十大正规赌平台平台 cannot be made to businesses engaged in speculation or investment in rental real estate.

Explore Your Small Business Loan Possibilities